“East to West” is a song born from a place of vulnerability, asking the questions we sometimes struggle to admit. Inspired by Psalm 103, it wrestles with the challenge of truly believing God’s promise—that His love and mercy stretch as far as the east is from the west. In moments of doubt, when shame or fear creeps in, the heart often wonders if grace might one day run dry. This song speaks directly to that struggle, capturing the tension between the need for reassurance and the fear of abandonment.
With each verse, “East to West” reflects on the psalmist’s words that God is “slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love” and will “never treat us as our sins deserve.” Yet it also recognizes the all-too-human tendency to doubt, to question, to search for signs of His love in the silence. This song is for those who find themselves in that vulnerable space—seeking, asking, and hoping to feel the depth of a love that, even when questioned, never fades.
Written by Paul Ranheim & Kirk Sauers
©2024 Mellow Toad Music (BMI), Bold Canary Music (BMI)
CCLI Song Number: 7247653
Lead Vocalist - Paul Ranheim
Featured Vocalist - Melanie Penn
Background Vocalist - Melanie Penn
Acoustic Guitar, Nylon Guitar, Electric Guitar, Pedal Steel - Juan Solorzano
Bass Guitar, Piano, Juno, Mellotron, B3 - Will Honaker
Drums, Percussion - Will Sayles
Studio - Sound Emporium Studio A in Nashville, TN, and Coalesce Audio in Lafayette, CO
Producer, Engineer, Programming - Lucas Morton
Tracking Engineer - Evan Redwine
Assistant Engineer - David Paulin
Vocal Engineer - David Wilton
Mix Engineer - Evan Redwine
Mastering Engineer - Joe Causey (Voyager Mastering)
When will you run from me?
When will you hide?
Have I left you ashamed? Has your love run dry?
Faint but I call for you
Will you reply?
Will the east meet the west and your mercy die?
When will you turn on me
A child of your house
Have your welcoming arms finally cast me out?
Shameful I come to you
Scared of your heart
Will the east meet the west and your grace depart?
Remind me again
Remind me again
Your love never ends
Faithful you offer me
Tender replies
Is the day soon to come when I'm met with silence?
Lord will the morning sun
Fail to awake
Could the east meet the west and your promise fade?
Where are you Lord?
Are you Lord?
Are you Lord?
O the Lord is full of grace and
Overflows with his compassion
He is slow to anger, quick in steadfast love
O and higher than the heavens
Is the greatness of his love and
He will never treat us as our sins deserve
From east to the west
From east to the west
Your love never ends
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